After the weather of the past few weeks, it's good to be able to get out in better conditions. Here are some pictures from around town on a lovely lazy Sunday afternoon with lots of people out enjoying the break in the storms.
Remember when riding amongst lots of others, including those on foot and with animals and children: patience, eye-contact, and give space.
New and Neville's Court, Trinity College from Garret Hostel Lane (click to enlarge)
Clare College from Garret Hostel Lane (click to enlarge)
Fellows Garden, Trinity Hall College from Garret Hostel Lane (click to enlarge)
Trinity Bridge, Trinity College from Garret Hostel Lane (click to enlarge)
Avenue of London plane trees on Jesus Green (click to enlarge)
Slightly flooded path under Victoria Avenue Bridge (click to enlarge)
There's a video clip of this, including riding in the water.
Riverside from the North West end of Riverside Bridge (click to enlarge)
Logan's Meadow from the middle of Riverside Bridge (click to enlarge)
Logan's Meadow and river willows from the middle of Riverside Bridge (click to enlarge)
River willows from Riverside Bridge (click to enlarge)
View on YouTube here
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